Short one today 'cos the England stuff is getting rather tedious.
Paul Lewis reviewing, renowned psychology & body language expert, gives us insight into the captain's press conference:
"You could tell Steven Gerrard would have rather been anywhere else by his body language, arms folded, chin buried in his chest...". So no flies on Paul.
MON gets second billing as Villa start to spin against him, for want of a better expression:
The O'Neill backlash begins
There hasn't been any direct word from O'Neill or Villa in the press until now, but this will probably sting Martin into action and ratchet things up a notch. Expect paragraphs on the chairman's megalomania in the not-too-distant future.
Final story, Craig Bellamy's frank interview on Sky yesterday regarding his untenable & precarious position at City. It's a tough one for a journalist this, but Paul eventually decides to blame Craig. Well done, Paul!
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